Frequently Asked Questions - FAQ
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Frequently Asked Questions - FAQ

How long will it take for my order to arrive?

We curate products from around the world, often we have the products in our United States warehouses, but occasionally we do source directly from the manufacturer. We try to have products ready for shipment with 48 hours, however shipping times can vary depending on where the product is sourced from. Please review the description in your product selection to see where the product is coming from for an accurate lead time for delivery to you. Typically the products that are sourced direct have a lower retail price to offset the longer duration in transit.

What Shipping Methods Are Available?

We typically ship via UPS or USPS and you will have the option to choose when you check out for the option that best serves your needs.

How are packages shipped?

Most orders are shipped via UPS, and larger orders are shipped freight. We have a minimum order of $99.00 for free freight, orders below this threshold will ship the best way. We currently do not offer to ship on your account, but please contact us if you would like to explore this option.

Do you ship internationally?

We typically do not ship to areas other than the United States as a retailer. We do offer wholesale solutions to companies that wish to resell our products in their native area. Contact us for details about becoming a wholesale account.

What Payment Methods Are Accepted?

We offer standard payments through PayPal and process our credit card transactions through Stripe or If you prefer we can take credit cards through our website or over the phone. We do accept personal checks if you wish to mail your order, but you must allow 7-10 days for the check to clear before we ship your order. When paying by check or money order please make it payable to Cagal LLC.

How do I place an Order?

You can shop and place your order by creating an account with us or shopping as a guest. If you have an account with us you can accrue loyalty points toward future purchases and receive discounts and sale notifications. You may also shop at our site and record the items that you would like and mail or fax the order to us.

How Can I Cancel Or Change My Order?

Once your order is placed the turnaround time is very quick so if you need to cancel your order you will need to call us immediately to be sure it is canceled. If you need to change your order the same applies. Once your order has shipped you will be unable to cancel or change the order.

Do I need an account to place an order?

You can order and checkout as a guest, however, we highly recommend you create an account. If you have an account you will be eligible for special sales and discounts, our rewards program, and the ease of reviewing your order history and make defective returns if necessary. Please consider creating an account, it is free and discreet.

How Do I Track My Order?

Once your order has shipped you will receive a tracking number to follow and you can log in to your account and track your order at any time.

How Can I Return a Product?

We have a 14-day return policy for errors in shipping and damaged products. Defective products and warranties are covered by the products' respective manufacturers.  If you do have a product that does not work or is defective in any way, please contact us for a return authorization. Items that are returned for defective will be replaced with another of the same product.