I grew up in a small town in Alabama. This small town nearly confirms every stereotype that you see depicted in movies. At my high school, the football quarterback dated the captain of the cheerleading squad. The presence of “cliques” was real and was almost necessary to label your identity as a student. My hometown was also defined by a “small town culture” where everyone knows everything about everybody. Growing up, I hated this. I always felt confined by the standards of my small town and it never felt like I had the opportunity to grow and explore who I truly was.

            As I got older, I discovered the luxury of traveling. Being in a new place, completely out of my comfort zone and different from anything I had ever known, was where I thrived. I loved the feeling of being a “nobody.” I had no expectations for what I should wear, what I should be interested in, or who I should be. It was a freeing experience to explore who I am and what I can contribute to this world.

            The first time I had the opportunity to travel and live in an unfamiliar culture was teaching English in Jackson Heights, New York City one summer during my undergraduate career. During this summer, I would write my friends back home, describing the neighborhood in which I worked as “real life Epcot.” It contained pockets of different immigrant groups, all bunched together within close proximity. Just one of my English classes could include students from five different countries. In that neighborhood, it was as if the world was brought to my fingertips. Living in New York City allowed me to broaden my horizons and open my mind to the different perspectives of the world.

            Later in life, I had the opportunity to live in a new culture and teach English once again. This time I lived in San Sebastian, Spain for a year. This experience was meaningful in my ability to discover who I am and what I ultimately want out of life. I gained exposure to various different cultures through friendships, or by traveling to other countries in Europe such as France, Ireland, and England. I remember the longing feeling of wanting to visit new places just to see what it was like, to experience a way of life that was slightly different from my own. There is so much beauty in observing the many aspects of a foreign culture, realizing there is not one right way to be human.

            Recently, I moved back to the small town where I grew up. I returned after pursuing a career endeavor, only to realize it is not what I ultimately want out of life. My time here has served as a season of transition to reset and think through my next steps. Initially, my instinct was to move far away again, to escape the confines of my hometown. However, a global pandemic hindered my ability to do so, and brought me back home.

While living here, I have learned the value of staying rather than going. I have also recognized that a large part of the romance of traveling doesn’t necessarily have to do with the views, the food, or the tourist sites—it’s the people. It is intriguing to listen to the varying perspectives of other. Being in this small town in Alabama, I have sought to treat my friendships here like I would in a foreign country by listening and asking insightful questions. I think I had always assumed that everyone here tends to think very similarly. But what I have found has shocked me. There is so much to be gained from the perspectives and views of those immediately surrounding me.            

I am definitely not saying that I am giving up traveling. I am actually planning my next trip right now. I think I am realizing there is beauty in both—in the staying and in the going. Both will challenge you, but in completely different ways. Whether I decide to travel close by or far away, I am always in need of a durable leather handbag for on the go. One of my favorite online stores, Bag Dash, provides an incredible selection of bags, purses, and backpacks that suit most any style preference or need. My top choice right now is the Elegant Retro Daily Handbag. The design is unique and versatile. It’s great for running errands around town or embarking on an international adventure. I can take this handbag with me, whether I decide to stay or go. Either way, it’s the perfect leather handbag to compliment my wanderlust heart.