I always choose the window seat when riding a bus through Spain. On this particular bus ride, I was on my way from San Sebastian (my temporary home) to Madrid in order to meet my mom and sister there. They were coming to visit me for a week, to see the adventurous family member that was living in Spain for a year teaching English. As I gazed out the window to pass the time on this long bus ride, I admired the variety of beauty Spain has to offer. The lush hills of the Basque Country transitioned into vibrant, dry plains before finally turning into the bustling city of Madrid.

Before meeting my mom and sister at the airport, I was supposed to eat lunch with two of my friends who were in town that day. I notified them of my arrival to Madrid, then navigated my way from the underground bus station to the street above where pedestrians and cars were all scurrying with activity. I was given specific instructions to find my friends under the “Aladdin billboard.” I thought it was a straightforward plan until I looked around, and to my dismay, I was in a square full of billboards, many of them Aladdin. I quickly pulled out my cellphone to get more specific instructions, but instead I became more confused and frantic with each new text message.

We eventually decided to share our locations with one another, thinking it was the perfect solution. It might have been, if I could have figured out the right direction to walk. My internet was slow, so I was pacing back and forth on the busy sidewalk, trying to avoid bumping into others while also watching the movement of my location on the digital map. I have always been one to get easily distracted, and this situation was not an exception. Cars were flying by, honking horns and blaring music. People were passing me by so closely, it was a miracle I didn’t get knocked over. This overly stimulating environment was leading me into a spiral of despair as I was hopelessly trying to find my friends under the “Aladdin billboard.”

“Yes!” I suddenly thought to myself, “I’ve got it now. All I need to do is cross the street and walk towards the left.” I dashed towards the pavement and leaped onto the cross walk just in time to make it before the light changed. Halfway across the crosswalk, however, I realized I had made a terrible mistake. I was walking in the exact opposite direction of my friends! I made a sharp turn to return back to the sidewalk, and in that moment, I felt a slight tug on my crossbody purse. I didn’t think much of it at the time. I assumed I had simply jerked my purse by turning around so fast. I didn’t think twice about it. That was the least of my concerns because I had finally spotted my friends!

The excitement to see my friends was exponentially greater after the short escapade that had just occurred. We hurried off to enjoy a nice patio lunch in the breathtaking city of Madrid. After lunch, I was making my way to the airport when I noticed it. My wallet was missing! The tug I felt on the crosswalk must have been when they reached into my purse to grab the wallet. The purse had only one small clasp and was not very secure. I didn’t notice it earlier because my friends had paid for my lunch. When I finally found my mom and sister, I told them the whole story, tears of frustration and defeat rolling down my flustered cheeks. My mom just gave me a hug and assured me that she had the money to pay for the vacation and that everything would be ok.

Despite the rough start, we had an incredible time in Madrid that week. There is no better way to connect with the ones you love than by taking on a new adventure with them. I made a pledge that day to do a better job of making sure I always carry a secure bag with me. I was very fortunate my mom was able to make up for my missing wallet. From now on, though, I do my best to come properly prepared for a trip. I don’t want to let the stress and confusion of traveling (or another stolen wallet!) get in the way of what really matters—stepping into the unknown to explore all this world has to offer and sharing this experience with those you love.

Atlas Leathers has a variety of attractive leather handbags, many of which are optimized for safe and secure traveling.

Want to know my top pick? I love the Womans Genuine Leather Tote Bag. It’s big enough to fit my laptop, but slim enough to not feel bulky. My favorite part is the zipper that secures the bag on top. I have always loved this style leather bag, but I have never found one that is safe enough to carry my laptop in. This leather handbag is both attractive and functional. I would take it anywhere! For men, they also have an incredible selection of leather briefcases. It makes for the perfect gift for any male. Go check it out!