I love the anticipation of an awaiting adventure and the expectations that come with discovering somewhere new. However, the one part of traveling that I absolutely despise is packing. I dread the preparation that must take place before going on vacation. I am not sure exactly what makes me dislike packing, but I have a hunch it is because of how draining it is to make decisions about what to include while also ensuring you haven’t forgotten anything important. If you are like me and hate packing, or if you enjoy packing and are looking for extra advice, I have created this guide for deciding what you should and shouldn’t bring on your next trip. 

1. The Length of Your Stay Will Determine the Type of Clothes You Should Pack

Most advice you read online will suggest to only pack the basics and bare minimum. While that might be a good suggestion for longer trips or when minimal luggage is required, you don’t always have to tone down your style every time you go on vacation. Here is how to decide what clothes to bring and what clothes to leave: 

For shorter trips - When you are traveling for a shorter amount of time (2 weeks or less), you have the freedom to pack a specific outfit for every event on your itinerary. Pack your favorite clothes! Bring the shirt you love but rarely get the chance to wear in your everyday life. Wearing your favorite outfits will add flare to your trip and make your pictures worth posting. I always try on my outfits beforehand to make sure everything fits right and goes together. 

For longer trips or limited luggage - When packing to travel for more than a few weeks, the clothes you bring will need to be versatile. It is still a good idea to pack your favorite clothes to prevent boredom, but the articles of clothing you bring should mainly include basics or neutrals. You will likely have the opportunity to buy more clothes wherever you go, but bringing a “capsule wardrobe” with you sets a strong foundation for your closet. I always put all of my favorite pieces on my bed and sort through them to pick pieces that can be worn more frequently. 

2. You Do Not Have to Bring Full-Sized Toiletries 

This tip might seem like a no-brainer, but sometimes people revert to bringing regular-sized bottles when it is unnecessary. There is always another option. Here are some ideas to minimize the amount of space toiletries take up, leaving you with room for other, more important items: 

If you are traveling in a group, agree to buy full-sized bottles to share. You may not get your favorite shampoo or body wash, but that likely won’t make a difference if you only use it while on vacation. 

Double the travel bottles you bring. It will still save you space and money. 

If you are traveling for an extended period of time, bring travel-sized bottles for the first few days but then buy full-sized toiletries when you arrive. Do research in advance to see locations for toiletries near your temporary residence, find coupons online, and if you are traveling abroad, find brands that are similar to your favorite domestic brands.  

3. Make a List a Few Days Before You Start Packing  

By making a list in advance, it gives you time to remember items you may have forgotten. It also allows you to make sure you have everything you need at your house. If there is anything you need but are missing, you still have time to go to the store or pick it up from a friend without rushing everything at the last minute. This will minimize stress and make the packing process less burdensome. 

I have had my fair share of forgetting valuable items such as a toothbrush or phone charger. Fortunately, most everything you forget to pack will be available for purchase at your travel destination. The most important things to pack include your passport or ID, money, medication, and necessary electronic devices. Overall, packing well makes for a less stressful and more enjoyable trip. Atlas Leathers offers a variety of leather bags that simplify packing and make your belongings more accessible while traveling. The Genuine Leather Duffle Overnight Bag is the perfect option for a carry-on bag or weekend trip. If you need a backpack to carry your essentials, the Vintage Leather Travel Backpack has a lot of pockets to help you organize everything you need. Before you go on your next journey, make sure you have the perfect bag to simplify packing and enable a more enjoyable traveling experience. For more leather bag options, visit Atlas Leathers.